X-Ray and Imaging Services
CMAC also have a Xenocs Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) instrument, which can be employed in the investigation of materials with larger intermolecular spacing for the determination of shape and alignment of particles.
Our Nano-CT service offers a non-invasive technique for the three-dimensional structural characterisation of solids this can be applied to analyse for samples with sizes > ca. 20 um.
The extensive optical and electron microscopy capability at the National Facility is located within a vibration sensitive laboratory. This includes automated compound and inverted optical microscopes, off-line IR and Raman instruments with surface mapping features plus a benchtop SEM. This service enables physical samples to be imaged and chemically analysed at the facility.
Contact us to find out more.
X-Ray & Imaging Equipment
X-Ray Analysis Capability
Single Crystal XRD, Kappa Apex II, Mo radiation, Bruker
Single Crystal XRD, D8 Venture, Cu radiation, Bruker
Powder XRD, D8 Discover, Cu radiation, variable temperature & humidity stage, capillary, Bruker
Powder XRD, D8 Advance, Cu Kα1 radiation, capillary transmission x2, Bruker
Powder XRD, D8 Discover, Cu Kα1,2 radiation, multi-well flat plate transmission for screening, Bruker
XRD Pair Distribution Function (PDF) Analysis, Empyrean, Ag & Mo radiation, PANalytical
Benchtop Powder XRD, D2 Phaser, Cu radiation, Bruker
SAXS/WAXS Cu/Cr/Mo Xeuss 2.0 5M, Xenocs
Imaging Capability
Optical Microscopy, Leica
SEM, TM4000Plus, Hitachi
AFM, Dimension FastScan, Bruker
IR Microscope, Hyperion 3000, Bruker
Raman Microscope, XPlora Plus with terahertz Raman Module, Horiba, Coherent
Thermal Imaging Camera, A6702sc InSb, FLIR
Microscope Stages: Temperature, Rheology, Freeze Drying, DSC, Linkam
High Speed Imaging, FastCam, Photron
X-Ray Nano Computed Tomography, SkyScan 2211 Bruker