Platform 2 will accelerate the development of medicine products and their manufacturing processes.
Robotic technologies will be used to create a unique small-scale medicine manufacturing and testing system. This will enable faster selection of the drug formulations and processes that produce stable products with the desired in-vitro performance.
Large data sets will be generated and will be used to drive research. By integrating several IDTs, Platform II will accelerate drug product manufacture, significantly reducing experiments and dramatically reducing development time, raw materials and associated costs.
University of Strathclyde
Platform Lead:
Dr Daniel Markl, Associate Director, CMAC
The objective:
Accelerating the development of medicine manufacturing by creating agile, small-scale, data-intensive production facilities coupled with robotic technologies.
DM² Platform 2 autonomous microscale manufacturing workflow set up in the CMAC laboratories in the Technology and Innovation Centre at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Industrial Digital Technologies:
Autonomous Systems
Big Data
AI Driven Experimentation
Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
Platform 2 Team

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